Women running the LLHM wearing a pink tommy's top, high-fiving the cheerers on the side of the road
Women running the LLHM wearing a pink tommy's top, high-fiving the cheerers on the side of the road

JustGiving's Fundraising Top Tips

Check out some Top Tips to set you up for success witrh your fundraising. These tips and ways to share your page have been taken from JustGiving's guidance on how to boost your fundraising.

Add some photos

Fundraisers with pictures or videos on their page raise 13% more per photo. Take a selfie on your next training run and upload it to your page.

Icon of a camera with a aquamarine background

Self Donate

People are much more likely to support you if you're supporting yourself and your fundraising page has already received a donation. In fact, those who self-donate raise on average 84% more than those who don't.

Icon of a man holding a heart with a aquamarine background

Connect your fitness app

Did you know you can link your Strava account to your fundraising page? This could lead to raising 111% more. Strava will post automatic updates on your fundraising page, so supporters can see that you are training.

Icon of a stop watch with a aquamarine background

Your Reason For Running

Sharing what taking on the LLHM means to you will help your friends and family understand why it's really important to you. It doesn't need to be long and complicated. Think about your goal, your motivations, and what it would mean to you to reach your goal.

Icon of a book with a aquamarine background

Share, Share, Share

Making a direct ask to someone can be difficult, but it's really worthwhile. Those closest to you are much more likely to support and care about you and your fundraising. There's lots of ways to share your page, find out about more of these at the bottom of the page.

Share button with a aquamarine background

Thank your supporters

On average 20% of donations come in once the event is over. Thanking your supports shows how appreciative you are of their support and may even encourage them to donate again.

Thank you on a blue background

Ways to share your page

Facebook logo on a pink background


Facebook is a great place to reach all you friends and family. You can ask them to share your posts as well, and increase your reach.

Twitter logo on a pink background


Twitter is brilliant for directly targetting specific people. You can reach out to Celebs/Influencers and ask them to retweet your tweets.

Instagram logo on a pink background


Pictures can say 1000 words. Take a photo, or share a memory and ask for donations. Include a link to your page in your bio.

WhatsApp logo on a pink background


WhatsApp and text messages are the best place to ask your really close friends and family for support.

LinkedIn logo on a pink background


Have you told your work colleagues that your taking on the LLHM? If you're not sending a sponsorship form around your office, then post on your LinkedIn with a link to your page.

Snapchat logo on a pink background


Snapchat is great for video and image content, and can be a good alternative to WhatsApp for reaching out to friends.