Each year we ask our incredible Team Tommy's LLHM runners if they'd like to share their reason for running and what Tommy's means to them.

This space is for you to read the stories and experiences of LLHM Team Tommy's runners. Below are some stories from your LLHM2024 team. This space is yours, and if you'd be happy to share your story with us (even just a couple of lines), please do let us know. We'd love to be able to share as many of your reasons for running as we can.


Following care at Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research and 6 devastating losses, Caroline and Tom went on to adopt their daughter, who they love endlessly.


After being diagnosed with unexplained infertility, Ben and Katie got pregnant via IVF in 2018. But on the day Katie was due to be induced, they were given the heartbreaking news their baby’s heart had stopped beating. Ben is running the LLHM 2024 in honour of his wife and daughter.


Amie hoped she wouldn’t be able to run the LLHM this year, as she should be nearly 7 months pregnant. But devastatingly, she and husband Phil had a 5th heartbreaking loss last year. She’s running the LLHM 2024 for Tommy’s.